Multiple Topology Replica Exchange of Expanded Ensembles (MT-REXEE) for Multidimensional Alchemical Calculations


Relative free energy calculations are now widely used in academia and industry, but the accuracy is often limited by poor sampling of the complexes conformational ensemble. To address this, we have developed a novel method termed Multi-Topology Replica Exchange of Expanded Ensembles (MT-REXEE). This method enables parallel expanded ensemble calculations, facilitating iterative relative free energy computations while allowing conformational exchange between parallel transformations. These iterative transformations are adaptable to any set of systems with a common backbone or central substructure. We demonstrate that the MT-REXEE method maintains thermodynamic cycle closure to the same extent as standard expanded ensemble for both solvation free energy and relative binding free energy. The transformations tested involve simple systems that incorporate diverse heavy atoms and multi-site perturbations of a small molecule core resembling multi-site λ dynamics, without necessitating modifications to the MD code, which in our initial implementation is GROMACS. We outline a systematic approach for topology set-up and provide instructions on how to perform inter-replicate coordinate modifications. This work shows that MT-REEXE can be used to perform accurate and reproducible free energy estimates and prompts expansion to more complex test systems and other molecular dynamics simulation infrastructures.

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
Wei-Tse Hsu
Wei-Tse Hsu
Incoming Postdoctoral Research Associate in Drug Design

Computational Biophysicist keen on molecular dynamics, deep learning, and education